

This website is designed to attract those individuals who aspires for something more in life than the ordinary things we normally pursue and desire, such as fame, riches, material status and excessive pleasures. These ideas that I’m presenting are not new; however, I have taken them to a deeper level than what is normally applied.  I found Gurdjeiff teachings in 1970 through my late teacher Mr. Gregory Grover, and as time passed he introduced Spinoza, and then my life was changed forever. I was Mr. Grover’s student for many years and I’ll be forever thankful to him, for he came to a level of clarity and spiritual consciousness that I’m inspired to become.

Gurdjieff was very clear when he said that man is asleep and the goal is to awaken.  Spinoza explains clearly and gives us a method in his Ethics that it is possible to improve our understanding. This understanding will enable us to develop a new sense of self, an awaken state of being.  This self expresses our true intelligence. Unfortunately, man is unaware of this deeper intelligence: he focuses on academics, practical knowledge, existence and external achievements.  This is superficial knowledge and has no real power looking into or dealing with his own emotional and psychological problems and confusions.

Socrates proclaimed  the highest level of knowledge is to “Know Thyself.” The direction and the goal that I’m presenting to you is an opportunity for you to join us in this great adventure of self-discovery. To know your nature, learn the language of Spinoza and Gurdjieff and experience the process of ‘Self-Mastery.’  Everyone is searching for happiness; fortunately, all you have to do is make an effort and email your questions and concerns.

Email: Lewis Almeida

“There is no need to run outside for better seeing, nor peer from a window, rather abide at the center of your being: For the more you leave it the less you learn”…LaoTzu