Home Page Forum Discussion Way of Spinoza Forum Awakening one’s Intelligence?

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    Tina Clarkson

    Please explain how to come to this state that you talk about in your video’, and what does it feel and look like?.

    Tina Clarkson

    Hello Tina,
    Regarding “How to Awaken One’s Intelligence?” How does it look and feel like?

    The process of awakening our intelligence begins with a feeling that we are not happy where we are emotionally and psychologically. I’ll take myself for example. I was 30 years old when I met Mr. Grover my spiritual teacher. In the first meeting I attended he spoke about Grurdjieff’s idea of the possibility that we can awaken and the goal is to come to “Self-Mastery.” He spoke about being a slave to our emotions. I did feel that my emotions were out of control and that I felt so inadequate and inferior intelligence wise.

    I truly believe that my mind was missing. Consequently, it took me a long time to discover and learn that I have an intelligence and through the process of working with my teacher and his students I learned how to develop mental muscles. This process in time developed a new “Intelligent-Self” that is totally different from my ego-personality self. I learned how to study Spinoza where there are keys of true spiritual self- improvement.

    We all have to begin the work with where we are; I think the important thing is that we want something beyond where we are emotionally and psychologically. We must have a feeling that our suffering from emotional pain is not getting better and that we’ve tried different ways to improve ourselves without success. And we must have a feeling of desperation and believe that there must be a way, something that will help us come to a better mental and emotional place.
    I was fortunate to find my teacher and he led me on a path of true happiness and fulfillment.

    What does feel and look like you ask? Only you will know for yourself that you’ll feel at times magnificent and other times you’ll feel lost. What we want to understand is that there is a shifting of gears so to speak, to shift from a familiar ego-personality state to a wholesome conscious active state.

    There are no words to describe the feeling to be spiritually awakened.

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