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    Feelings of shame, embarrassment, and fear of rejection stop most of us from taking the next step.

    The greatest obstacle that I see in potential students in participating in this kind of study of Spinoza and Gurdjieff  teachings, is that we are so caught up in old beliefs of who we are. All the information that we have, that is, the knowledge of who we are supposed to be comes from hearsay information and maybe some experience that may have happened that we are confused about.  The belief that we are inferior, stupid, worthless, and not good enough, has been cemented in our psychic since childhood and which we still act from as adults.

    There is another problem we have that is really huge, over time we developed a pessimistic attitude which creates in us a resistance to change and we believe that it’ll take too much time, effort, and work to do this kind of study. Unfortunately, we remain where we are, yes, it’s painful but its familiar and its home to us and nobody wants to leave home: right?

    Consequently we remain in pain and depression and that’s no way to live; actually, we are dying a slow death every minute of every day.

    From my own growth and transformation I know that there is a real intelligence within you that you may be sensitive to but not sure about.  However, once its activated there is no turning back because the taste of your own intelligencce has a profound effect to your whole being. You’ll begin to taste freedom, and a feeling of being who you really are. You’ll discover for yourself a new sense of “Self,” that is, through your own amazing understanding.

    I’m living a life that I have to pinch myself to believe. I came from feelings of worthlessness and a deep inferiority complex. Even-though Gurdjieff and Spinoza were at first impossible to follow or understand but with help from my teacher I made amazing progress. Now I have a feeling of being free, that is, free of fear and rejection and the opinions of others. I now have a true enjoyment of life and life is a wonder. I actually love myself; I love my thinking and my understanding. I also have a clear and deep connection with the source. Now, there are no magic tricks or quick answers to the work that we do in Spinoza and Gurdjieff World Study it is a labor of love, that is, once you get the hang of it.

    Everything is confidential, there are no judgments, shoulds and expectations. We learn how to live in the present-now and embrace whatever comes. We learn how to examine and study how the events and the circumstances in our life touch our feelings and emotions. There is a constant drama in life and we are a part of it. We want to learn how to free ourselves through our own intelligent understanding.

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