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    Courage and Strength of Mind can Overcome Our Ego state

    Gurdjieff talks about man as being asleep and the goal is to awaken. So, what does being asleep mean and what is like to be awaken? Being asleep is that the true intelligent part of the mind within man is not operating and we do not realizing its importance or significance. The mind’s potential is connected with the understanding. The understanding is very different from man’s ordinary sleep-wake state of being.

    Ordinarily, man’s awareness is very limited he is aware of his reactions and desires but unaware of the causes that determined those actions that follow form his desires in the first place. Man lives by impulse and external stimulation and anything can trigger him. He’s always seeking what he believes is good and avoids what he feels is bad in other words he seeks pleasure and avoids pain. This is a happening and not a clear decision of the mind but an automatic memory experience duplicated over and over. Man’s future is a duplication of his past and he lives by the lowest level of knowledge called a) here say and b) experience. This is an unconscious state of being, however, man doesn’t know this and this state is blind. The belief in free-will is a manifestation from this mentally confused state.

    I want to add that our ego-personality represents this sleep-wake state and the ego lives by the first level of knowledge and believes that it has free choice and all his decisions are made from his free will. If man had free-will why can’t he stop his pain of rejection? Why can’t he willfully stop his envy, jealousy, or anger? Why can’t he willfully stop his fears? Can he willfully stop his depression? We take pot, drugs, heroin etc., to lessen the pain and what is the cause of our pain in the first place?

    To learn how to awaken the mind and improve our understanding is the direction I want to take us. It’s a slow and meaningful process and the benefits are amazing. It’s possible to come to truth, happiness, peace and fulfillment by consciously applying a new level of effort to understand that we are all capable of. We learn how to really listen, to think clearly, and learn how to enjoy our efforts. We really learn the true meaning of love and compassion.

    Fear is normal and I’ve lived in fear most of my life; however, I wanted this desperately in spite of my fears and now I live without my old companion fear. I’m living a life that I couldn’t imagine 20 years ago. This is why I have such a hunger and a joy sharing how Gurdjieff and Spinoza’s philosophy and teaching can dramatically change our being and how we live life. Just ask my students whom have been with me one, two and three plus years it’s truly an amazing transforming process. You just have to take a risk and jump in, in spite of fear.

    Lewis Almeida

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